When are balances due?: Balances must be paid in full prior to first practice. (Players applying for grants/scholarships need to have application submitted no later than the advertised deadline. Process takes 3-5 days. Applying for financial assistance does not mean you are registered for the program.) Register at
When is player paperwork due?: Waivers and code of conduct paperwork must be completed before the first team practice. Coaches will have forms for parents to sign.
When will the game schedule be posted?: Game schedules will be available the Wednesday before Opening Day. All game time and locations will be posted in the "SCHEDULES" section.
What days and time are games played?: We try to schedule games Monday - Thursday and keep your age group's days consistent. However, because of weather reschedules and various league sizes, games can be scheduled on Fridays & Saturdays if needed. Weekday games can be scheduled between 5:00 pm - sundown (if lighted fields are available, they may also be used as needed later in the evening for 10 and up divisions.
Where are games played?: Games are played at local Hyland Hills ball fields. We try to keep each age group's games at a consistent location if possible. See the "LOCATIONS" section above for a list of Hyland Hills fields.
Are uniforms required?: Yes, players will be supplied with a team jersey, but they will need to bring their own pants and shoes.
What equipment will players need: Players are expected to have their own glove. Each team will be supplied with a bag of team equipment and practice/game balls.
Are practices included?: Teams can be scheduled up to two practices per week. Practices are held at Hyland Hills ball fields. Tee ball teams will practice during the 2 weeks before games start then will practice with their team before games once the season begins. All practice time and locations will be posted in the "SCHEDULES" section. Practices are usually held from 5:30pm-Dark.
Weather Info/Cancellations?: Visit the HOME PAGE for all weather-related updates. To subscribe to text and email alerts please click HERE.